Funny animal videos so funny, this is compilation 50 videos on youtube for you, and this is videos for your cats to watch, so cute. but it is great if you watch videos of people falling

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 9, 2014

Get out of my head...

My daughter Jenna just cracks me up!!!!!

Me:"Jenna, you know that song you were playing yesterday a bazillion times over and over? Well it's stuck in my head today!"

Jenna: "what song is that?"

Me: "well it goes something like this (I verbally start singing my rendition of the song)

Jenna: "mom, mom, okay I get it, I get it!!!.... Play it in your head because it's better in your head!"

So does this mean I am bad at singing?

The pupa was away the man was content!
He waited nowadays everyday for the pupa to develop and fly abt such as an attractive butterfly, but The fact is that that never happened the larvae pupa had a oversized head and also kept crawling along in the cooking pot for the complete 6 weeks and went dead!
Unhappy the guy went to his botanist buddy and requested the rationale.
His buddy explained to the guy the fight to get away of the egg helps the larvae to send bloodstream to its wings as well as the head press helps the look at remain compact so that the tender wings could support it thru its 9 week life cycle, in his desire to help the guy destroyed a lovely life!

Struggles help out everyone, that's exactly why a wee bit of effort goes quite some distance to develop our power to deal with life's issues!

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