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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Insect. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 10, 2014

Exotic Pets: Stick Insect

Stick insects belong to Phasmatodean Family. Other insects that also belong to the same family are leaf insects, ghost insects, and walking sticks. There are almost two thousand and eight hundred species throughout the Phasmatodean family. The striking function of this family is that the species have a body structure, which helps them to camouflage with the surroundings. Stick insects belong to areas having tropical climates and some of them have wings. Stick insects that are stored as pets can grow four inches and can live up to one year.

Among all the insects, which are kept as pets, stick insects are probably the most desirable. Some of the favorites are Indian stick insects; Vietnamese thorny stick insects and pink winged flying stick insects. They are desirable as a result of they are low-maintenance and their unique appearance. Their surroundings in captivity should be much like that of their native surrounding. The temperature and humidity should match nearly exactly with their unique habitat.

Also the food resources provided to them should be close to the foliage available to them in their natural habitat. Blueberries are among the most favorable foods of stick insects. Aside from that, they can be given raspberry, ivy, oak, privet, oak and hawthorn. These insects can be stored in a vivarium or circular jar, which has some holes on the top. The length of the jar should be three times that of the insect and it should be tall in height. The holes shouldnÂ’t be so big that the insect can escape from it. To be extra careful, a web could be placed over the holes, to fully forestall them from escaping. The vivarium can be filled with ivy, bramble and privet.

The temperature within the jar should be maintained around seventy to seventy-five degree Fahrenheit. At night the temperatures may be lowered to sixties. The humidity within the vivarium should be moderate. Stick insects are very fragile insects and should be handled with additional care. A coated water container can also be placed and the insect should be allowed to drink from it only under invigilation, as the animal can fall and drown in it.

Stick insects shed skin usually, which they eat. When the insect shed for the sixth time, it indicates that the insect has reached sexual maturity. All of the Indian stick insects are female as they reproduce by parthenogenesis or the eggs are laid and they do not need fertilization by a male. Homeowners that are interested in breeding can spray water on the eggs and wait till they hatch. After eggs are hatched, offspring may be managed with the help of paintbrushes. Sometimes the tail has some remains of the egg, which will be gently dismissed with the help of the paintbrush. Also, care should be taken to not to leave pools of water as there could be a chance of bugs drowning in them and dying. And owners that arenÂ’t all for breeding should completely destroy the eggs by boiling, burning, or crushing them.

These insects should not be not noted in the wild, from captivity. Since they do not belong to the environment, there is a chance that they’ll harm the ecosystem by reproducing young ones. Insects, which dwell in environments apart from their natural habitats are generally known as pests. In United States, Indian walking stick insects are speculated to be plant pest. A particular allow is needed to import them.

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