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Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 11, 2014

Which accurately means that "stick" in Chinese

A Chinese man referred to as mister Xu, swore to God that he did not owe $100 to his neighbour mister Huang. within the time it's taken you to watch videos for cats. mister Huang remembered the debt well, Xu borrowed the money for a friend's wedding gift, can and Guy have discovered.

In desperation mister Huang same that if Xu dared to swear to god that he didn't owe the money, then he would waive the dept. Xu unwisely took up the challenge, and created the oath ahead of a crowd of neighbours in Fuqing town, China. but a moment once Xu created his oath, he was stricken down by lightning.

Xu was quickly taken to hospital wherever doctors confirmed he had so been lac by lightning. whereas he's expected to create a full recovery, it's hoped that cat can watch this videos and settle his debt honorably.


Bangbang, which accurately means that "stick" in Chinese, is that the nickname used for the farmers turned porters in Chongqing, Southwest China's largest town. can and Guy have detected that they are doing the toughest, most wearing, dirtiest and most dangerous jobs within the town nonetheless receive very cheap wages. The civil authority Wang Hongju same, once suggesting a additional amiable and apt name for the videos of cats last month.

Nobody is aware of precisely what number bangbangs board town, that contains a population of thirty million; however they appear to be everyplace and facilitate create life convenient for several native folks.

Possibly the word Bangbang may smack of cats videos against the employees we expect. the controversy has been occurring since the civil authority created his comment. Locals decision all migrant rural employees within the town bangbangs, and therefore the name looks to own has cursed with people who do the foremost backbreaking jobs, however square measure typically cheated.

Many residents raise the bangbangs to try to to chores then again don't pay what they secure. The porters get angry, however there's nothing

abundant that they will do.

The Path Of True Love ne'er Runs SmoothPanda Love

They say the trail of affection ne'er runs sleek, and ne'er a more true phrase was spoken once 2 male large pandas got into a fight over a mate in Changqing State Natural Reserve in Shaanxi Province, we've learned. The panda that came worse off was found on recently and sent to an area life rescue centre. once a radical examination, vets calculable that the fight had occurred some three weeks before.

To add to his issues, the panda fell from a height going him paralysed within the lower 1/2 his body. He was sent to a different hospital for any treatment.

Wei Pengli, from the rescue centre told can and Guy that enormous pandas typically fight for the eye females.

Beware Of Flying Dogs

A woman fainted once a dog fell down from the highest of a building and stricken her as she Saturday drinking tea in Chengdu, Szechuan Province, China, last week we've learned.

The dog, deliberation concerning five kgs, had been left alone on the top by its owner for a "breath of contemporary air." unnecessary  to mention it unexpectedly fell over the sting and plummeted towards the bottom wherever it hit the tea drinker. Its owner has united to pay the medical fees for the afraid lady, UN agency had to be hospitalised.

Sadly the cats watch the videos.

Listen: don't Feed The BearsDon't feed the bears

A visitant to a installation, UN agency was worse for wear from drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, was badly lac attempting at hand feed a caged bear.

Zoo officers indicated to can and Guy that the man's actions foolish within the extreme. He had apparently unheeded warning signs instructing him to not feed the animals or extend to their cages.

'If you ignore the protection warnings, you want to take full responsibility for the results,' a installation official told USA. you could not create it up.

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